Project Description

Two Oceans Aquarium
Marsh Memorial Home
17th November 2018

We took 23 kids, ages 5-12, from Marsh Memorial Home to the Two Oceans Aquarium. We had such a wonderful day, enjoying and learning so much about our beautiful oceans. We watched an extremely entertaining puppet show, watched penguins being fed and learnt a lot about our crazy amazing sea life and why it’s so important that we protect it.

Once again, we shared the message around the harmful effects of single use plastic on our oceans and earth. We then headed to the Waterfront for lunch, boldly and loudly signing the song “if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands” on our way there. Most of these kids had never been to the Aquarium nor to the waterfront – their eyes were opened, and they had such fun! A wonderful and educational experience that we believe made a positive impact to their hopes and dreams.